On Friday a fourteen year old boy in califorina drowned his four year old niehbor boy becuase the boy threatened to tell his parents that the other boy molested him. I think this is very disturbing and that the boy should have to go through phycolgical help and should go to prison. Source: http://www.cnn.com/2009/CRIME/11/04/california.boy.slaying/index.html?eref=rss_topstories
The Yankees won their 27th world championship. This is kinda cool becuase it is there first year in the new statium and they won the world championship, just like when it was the first year in the old statium they won then too. The final score of the game was 7-3.
Alex Rodriguez brought the Yankees through the playoffs and to the chance at the 27th title. His first. The winning score was 7-4 against the Phillies. Bringing them to the World Championship.