Friday, December 17, 2010

NASA begins testing Discovery's fuel tank

NASA crews began a test of space shuttle Discovery's external fuel tank Friday .
"Eight technicians will use scanners, cameras and high-powered lenses to survey the outside of the tank for foam cracks, ice buildup or other abnormalities," a NASA statement said.
The test at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida will give engineers key data to decide when the shuttle can take off, NASA said.

i think they should do the best they can.

About 2,000 Marines, sailors to come home

About 2,000 Marines and sailors will return home Friday to Camp Pendleton in California after being deployed seven months overseas.
During their deployment, the group helped deliver aid to victims of the massive floods in Pakistan and helped to fight pirates in waters near Somalia.

i think its about time they get to retutrn to this wonderfull country for all the hard work they did.

North Korea warns Seoul against military exercises near flashpoint

North Korea warned Friday it would launch a military strike against the South if Seoul goes ahead with live-fire drills near Yeonpyeong Island over the next five days, North Korea's state-run KCNA reported. i think they should mind their own bisness.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

#3 Health care- Safe to Eat

Americans are consuming greater amounts of fresh produce in an attempt to eat more healthfully. One of the problems is though is the food isn't sanatary, ans somtimes there deseises in the food. Becuase the food is mass produced at one place the E. coli outbreak in 2006 was a major problem and killed over 200 people. Becase E. coli is in freash produced many people got it beacuse produce is often ate raw.
In this case public health insurance could have been a benifit to those people that died maybe they would have went into the doctor sooner and could have been helped. Obama and the decocrates would agree that public health insurance would have been a benifit for those people sick without health insurance. they agree becuase they made it a law.
issue 1-

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The man behind the National Broadband Plan

Blair Levin, former executive director of the National Broadband Plan, a report that was presented to Congress in March and was supposed to serve as a blueprint for policymakers to bring ubiquitous access for broadband to all Americans, does. the nationwide plan is a good idea. i love social class.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Two teenage girls executed by Somali militants

many teenage girls were killed because they were supposedly spy's. A relative of one of the teens denied they were spies. i think this is bad and we sould do something about it

Monday, October 25, 2010

Google admits to accidentally collecting e-mails, URLs, passwords

in a blog on friday google amitted to collecting data , but they blamed a techinacal difficuty, to the collection of password and other important stuff. ya important stuff. there bad for doing dat. guess what i hit two turkeys last thurs with my truck it was harilious. anyway. now google wants to deleat the data so they dont look like bad people.

Protesters of Police Brutality March in Seattle

On Friday as part of the ,national Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality", the Oct. 22 Coalition Against Police Brutality gathered 150 protesters at Seattle Central Community College. There, they voiced their opinions about recent citizen shootings by Seattle P.D . The main focus was on the death of John T. Williams, do you actualy read this?, a local middle-aged woodcarver who was shot by officer Ian Birk on August 30. As the group walked downtown, they shouted protests like What do we want? Justice! When do we want it? Now! and Why do killer cops go free? denouncing the Seattle Police. i think we should lock up bad people.

Existing home sales on the rise

Home sales are up latley and that is do to more people buying existing homes. It is a buyers market. A lot of the homes being bought are existing homes. The increase buying of homes is a good thing becuase it stimulates the encomeny and gives good sings to a better future.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

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33 miners have been trapped under ground for over two months. they are to be resqued on wensday maybe tuesday. even after a lot of effert they final made a shoot to the miners. i think its taking them way to long to get help to the miners. they almost as bad as the oil spill.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

federal budget blog issue 2

Basicaly the US spends more money than than it takes in each year. This is called a deficit. This is a mojor problem becuase the US has had a deficit for the past 40years. That leads to a huge national debt, the sum collection of all the deficits.

Thats means to stop adding money to the debt we need to pay as we go. Only spend what we take in. If nothing else we may need to add more ear marks taxs, like road tax, etc. We also may need to change our social security plan to indivisual plans. so we dont give money to those illagal imigrants that never paid a peney to the US goverment.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Street cleaners accused of plot targeting pope

5 men were arrested onder the terirusim act. they worked as street cleeners and they were arested this moring and they were in britian.

i think the news should say the intentions of the men it said nothing in ther of way they were arrested.

Friday, September 10, 2010

First thoughts: What we're watching for at the presser

the press is predicting what to watch for at Obama conference.
my question is is why the hell did we elect that guy. he hasn't done shit sence hes been in office besides use a ton of tax payers money. how about this his wife doent need 50+ personal body guards.